Dream List or Practical Year End Bucket List?

Realize your successes before year end.

Do you dream about doing some things you know won’t possibly happen until the children are older, or do you have an actual Bucket List that will get accomplished by year end? It is far more fun to achieve objectives than to wish for the moon and never get it. Let’s consider a few issues mom’s wrestle with, deal with them, and then move on to realize success before year end.

Rid yourself of Guilt

Busy moms wrestle with the guilt of not being the perfect mom with their kids all the time. They compare themselves with the imaginary ideal mom and fall short. This causes frustration and an endless cycle. Whether you work away from home or not, the feeling still arises for various reasons.

Here is the solution…”Get over it!” To begin with, kids are adaptable to changing environments and resilient to family disruption. Some of the best, highest achieving adults came out of the worst dysfunctional homes. The kids are not the issue. Your guilt possibly stems from your own self focus. You’d like to be enjoying them more because their youthful years will slip away fast. Like they say, take your situation of lemons and make lemonade of it.

Start now and make what time you have into quality time, which is simply having one on one with each child for any period of time, but do it regularly. You can also plan ahead with the kids events they want to do. And last, let the kids see you when you are less than your best. They learn from this that you are human and they too may someday have difficult situations with the stress of life.


Find more Time

They say a woman’s work is never done. The joke is, those are the things she gives her husband to do! The housework chores that keep a household running are a huge job. Let’s find a way to lighten that load if you are feeling overwhelmed now toward the end of the year. Sit down with the family and make a list of responsibilities for each person and the date when those things will be accomplished.

Post this on the refrigerator door and hold everyone accountable. This should include, for example, helping in the kitchen, cleaning, lunch making, picking up stuff around the house and bed making. This task can be eased by using Tuckright Blanket Suspenders® on each child’s bed which makes the bed easier to make after keeping them covered all night. Less work for Mom, using Tuckright®; “Keeps my kids covered all night!”


Problem Resolution

Many people feel that talking about issues and problems will somehow get them resolved. It doesn’t, and the bigger issue is that the problem is then carried around as a mental burden. Let’s stop talking with our spouse, neighbors and friends about our concerns and move on. To move on you either put it out of your mind or address it immediately and get it settled. There is no place in your life for tolerating negative thoughts that serve to disrupt your peaceable life.


Date Night with Spouse

Let’s make time together. Set aside one night per week for the remaining weeks in the year. Perhaps Thursday night would be good and go out with your lover. Do this to make it easy and cheap. Hire a sitter for a couple of hours at dinner time. Have them feed the kids.

You two go out to a local establishment that has a two for one drink offering with heavy hors d’oeuvres. Many local hotels will have these offerings. Call it dinner. It is a great escape to be together and just talk. So, the one drink and only two hours of sitter cost makes for a cheap date. The saying goes…”tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.” Now get going and make this new found life style your own. Enjoy it to the max. Cheers!


Ultimate Mom-Kid Bonding Bucket List

Now you will more time for the children. Parent Magazine published a great list you should also read. The article itemizes a dozen creative ideas for activities to do together. Check it out, here!


What’s on your 2017 bucket list? Share with us in the comments below!

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